Friday, September 16, 2016

Memorable Moments

When I first tried keeping a blog a few years ago, I thought maybe I'd update more often when I had something more interesting to write about. Surely, I though, once I have children, I'll have plenty of inspiration for funny stories and deep thoughts. Ha. Maybe I do have good sources for those things, but I certainly don't think about setting aside time to write about them! The truth is, being a mom is a pretty big job. I'm actually giving a devotion for a friend's baby shower (who is expecting twins!) this weekend, so I've been thinking a lot about just how big of a job being a mom is and what God has to say about it. The one big conclusion I've come to is that God wants me to glorify Him in this job, just like He is calling all of us to bring Him glory in whatever we do (I Corinthians 10:31). Two major ways I can do that are by relying on Him for help and strength every moment of every day (because I REALLY need it!) and serving my family the way God calls all of us to be servants, following the example of Jesus and using the power He gives us. Serving others all day long is not my natural inclination. Sure, I'll serve happily for a portion of the day, but, seriously? All day long? Wow. Now, that's asking a lot. That's why it's such a good thing that God gives us the power to change once we follow Him. Because we're not naturally good at most of the things He wants us to do or be like. II Corinthians 5:15 says, "...and He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised." So I'm learning a lot lately about not living for myself, even though I still want to live for myself in many moments of the day! God is helping me.

So, it is a big job being a mom, but there are lots of memorable moments that make me smile throughout these long days of taking care of toddlers (and now another newborn!). Like...

...when Grace and Cara (the twins, who are not yet two), see letters in books or on the road and spontaneously burst into singing the alphabet song in unison.

...when Grace prays and always begins her prayers with, "Thank you [for] Mama..."

...when I say to Elanor, "I'm so pleased with you!" and she responds with, "You're welcome!"

...when Elanor says, "I've got some corns!" and holds up acorns (get it, a corn?)

...when Grace and Cara come over to Josiah and lovingly pat his head and say repeatedly, "Baby 'Siah!"

...when my children want me to rock them every. single. night. and never grow tired of it.

...when my husband lets me sleep in a little, and I am awakened by little voices calling for me and little feet running into my room. "Mommy! Wake up?"

...when Elanor asks if she can hold her sister and reads a book to her.

...when the twins both want to hold Josiah at the same time and yell, "Hold it, hold it!"

...when Josiah sleeps in my arms or looks up at me and smiles.

Not every day is smooth or beautiful in how it unfolds. In fact, I often end up in tears at some point during the day. But every day holds these memorable moments and, more amazingly, just enough grace from a loving God to get through with what we all need.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Charity, this is so encouraging. Yes, those moments are treasures, and I am so encouraged by your perseverance in the midst of such a busy (but happy) season in life. Praying for you often, and love you dear sister.
